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В тихой ночи. Лирика. В тихой ночи. Лирика.

Тилль Линдеманн – легенда мира музыки, автор текстов группы Rammstein. Его стихи проведут нас по чувственному миру, сотканному из сексуальности, любовной аддикции и рефлексии.


Тексты песен

"My heart burns"

Little children listen on
I am the voice from the pillow
I brought something to you
Have cut it from my breast
With this heart i have the power
To blame youre eyes
I sing till the day wakes up
A bright shine at the heavens sky

My heart burns

They come to you at night
Deamons, ghosts and black elves
They crawl up from the cellar rows
and will take a lok under your bed
Little children listen on
I am the voice from the pillow
I braught something to you
A bright shine at the heavens sky

My heart burns

They come to you at night
And steal your little hot tears
They wait till the moon awakes
And push them in my cold venes
Little children listen on
I am the voice from the pillow
I sing till the day awakes
A bright shine at the heavens sky
My heart burns

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