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В тихой ночи. Лирика. В тихой ночи. Лирика.

Тилль Линдеманн – легенда мира музыки, автор текстов группы Rammstein. Его стихи проведут нас по чувственному миру, сотканному из сексуальности, любовной аддикции и рефлексии.


Тексты песен

"Play with me"

We share a room and the bed
Brother dear please go right ahead
Brother dear come touch me here
Slide to me so close and near

By the bed a big black hole
In they jump all the sheep
Much too old but I count them still
But I cannot fall asleep

Past my navel in the bush
Waiting there white fantasies
Brother dear come hold me tight
And shake for me leaves from the trees

Play a game with me
Give me your hand and

Play with me - A game
Play with me - A game
Play with me - Cause we're alone now
Play with me - A game
Father mother child

My brother dear hand in pain
He rolls back over once again
My brother helps me now and then
So that I may sleep again

Play a game with me
Give me your hand and

Play with me - A game
Play with me - A game
Play with me - Cause we're alone now
Play with me - A game
Father mother child

список песен