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В тихой ночи. Лирика. В тихой ночи. Лирика.

Тилль Линдеманн – легенда мира музыки, автор текстов группы Rammstein. Его стихи проведут нас по чувственному миру, сотканному из сексуальности, любовной аддикции и рефлексии.


Тексты песен


Let me ride out on a tear
Past your chin to Africa
Once more to the she-lion's den
Where I was at home back then

Inbetween your tender long legs
Searching snow from just last year
Never does the snow appear
Let me ride out on a tear

In the clouds there is no bliss
A big bird gently slides his head
Back into a secret crevice
Inbetween your tender long legs

Searching sand from just last year
Never does the sand appear
Hunger connects
Just like an insect

Asleep you never sense
Right as it bites
Nowhere can it be good so
The finger slips to Mexico
Then down it sinks into the sea
Hunger has no mercy

список песен