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В тихой ночи. Лирика. В тихой ночи. Лирика.

Тилль Линдеманн – легенда мира музыки, автор текстов группы Rammstein. Его стихи проведут нас по чувственному миру, сотканному из сексуальности, любовной аддикции и рефлексии.


Тексты песен


Come in my boat
a storm is rising / and the night is coming
Where do you want to go
quite alone / you are drifting away

Who will hold your hand
when it pulls / you downward
Where do you want to go

So boundless / the cold sea
Come is my boat
The wind of autumn / keeps the sails stiff
Now you are standing by the lantern
with tears in your eyes

The daylight falls to the side
The evening light sweeps empty the streets
Come in my boat
Yearning becomes / the helmsmen

Come in my boat
The best sailor / yet was I
Now you are standing by the lantern
with tears in your face

You take the fire from the candle
Now you are standing with tears in your face
Fall is coming, the only spoke of your mother
So merciless is only the night

In the end I'm left alone
The time stands still
and I am cold

список песен